You Can Still Schedule Your Roof Repair in Winter!
If you’ve been putting off a roofing project for a while, you might be exploring the possibility of a winter roof repair in Dayton, Ohio. Whether a roofing emergency occurred or summer slipped away and time escaped you, it is possible to have your roof looked at this winter. While there may be a few hurdles to overcome, our team of roofing professionals will help you navigate the process safely. Like any roofing project, though, there are pros and cons to scheduling your roof repair in the winter.
When is the ideal time to schedule a roof repair?
Most customers choose to complete their roofing projects in the warmer seasons. The weather is more predictable in the summer, and many homeowners have a bit of time off work. Planning ahead for a roof repair or replacement can spare you a lot of time, money and headaches. However, Mother Nature can be unpredictable! Strong winds and severe weather can create the need for an emergency roof repair.
If you find yourself in need of a Dayton, Ohio roof repair this winter, there are pros and cons:
PRO: Problems will be fixed sooner than later
The winter months can be extremely damaging to your roof. Heavy snowfall, strong winds, and ice can be hard on your roof. If your residential roof needs a repair or your commercial property needs servicing, scheduling your roof repair now will ensure your home is prepared for Dayton’s toughest storms! The sooner you can repair any issues, the better.
CON: It is dangerous
A winter roof repair presents its own set of challenges. Wind, snow and ice can make it difficult to work safely on a roof. At JW Roofing, we will never complete repairs when temperatures are at or below freezing. We will wait until there are a few warmer days and any ice has had time to melt before getting up on the roof! A quality roofer will only accept jobs that can be completed safely.
PRO: You will be ready for Spring
You don’t want to enter the rainy spring season with a damaged, leaking roof. You might be wondering what to do if the roof is leaking. The most important thing is to take immediate action! If you fix up your home now, your roof will be equipped to handle the heavy Ohio rains! Your roof protects you and your loved ones from the elements. By getting your roof repaired this winter, you’ll be sure to keep the warm air in and the cold air out.
CON: Scheduling difficulties
Scheduling a roof repair can be a challenge during the winter months. While roofers typically have more availability, most customers find themselves unavailable. Holiday celebrations, winter vacations, family visits and more can make it difficult to find time to have your roof worked on.
Call the experts: JW Roofing
JW Roofing is a local, family-owned business and our employees are no strangers to Dayton weather!. We have completed many roof repairs, even during the winter months. We have found that the weather typically lets up a few days a month, allowing our experts time to complete a repair or replace a roof.
Have you been pushing off a Dayton, Ohio roof repair? Call us today
As with any home repair, there are pros and cons to winter roof repair. While it’s easy to put off getting work done, it’s best to handle any roofing problems as swiftly as possible. JW Roofing is prepared to help you with anything you need! With over 25 years of experience in Dayton, we’re familiar with winter roof repair projects in the area. Give our team a call at (937) 520-5201, or get in touch online to schedule your free roofing inspection!